Software Asset Management Specialist

Ph.D. Petr Valenta

Kurzem Vás provede Ph.D. Petr Valenta

Zkušený coach, consultant, auditor v oblasti realizace strategií a vedení lidí. Akreditovaný lektor PRINCE2, TRIBECA a PM2.

Základní info

This course is designed for IT professionals with a good understanding of IT asset management. Previous experience in software asset management or the ITIL Foundation certificate form a good basis for the course.

  • Financial Manager
  • ContractProcur, ement Manager
  • Project, Proces, IT Operations Manager
  • Risk Manager, Security, Business Continuity Manager

Course objectives

  • Identify goals and quantify success
  • Best practice in software asset management
  • Build a comprehensive business case for SAM
  • Establish and maintain a database of SAM relevant data
The SAMS course is based on Software Asset Management best practices and standardisation.
  • It combines IT Service Management best practice with the Software Asset Management standard (ISO19770).
  • After taking this course, you will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of software asset management.
  • You will be able to implement and manage a SAM programme in your organisational environment

Software Asset Management Specialist

Vybraný termín:


1 Kč + 21% DPH

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