Linux Essentials

Základní info

Knowledge of Linux is a helpful skill for a wide variety of careers in business and IT. The Linux Essentials course teaches you the fundamentals of the Linux operating system and command line, and basic open source concepts.

Target group

Whether you’re starting your career in open source, or looking for advancement, independently verifying your skill set can help you stand out to hiring managers or your management team.
  • Anyone desires to learn a new technology
  • Linux beginners with no knowledge in Linux
  • Anyone desires to be Linux Certified Professional
  • Anyone looking for high paying job in the IT industry

What you will learn

  • Create and run simple scripts
  • Major components of the Linux operating system
  • Create and restore compressed backups and archives
  • Technical proficiency to work on the Linux command line
  • Understanding of the Linux and knowledge of the most popular open source applications

Linux Essentials

Vybraný termín:


50 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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