Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization II: Advanced PowerVM and Performance

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You will learn how to implement advanced IBM PowerVM features, such as Active Memory Sharing, Active Memory Expansion, shared dedicated processors, and multiple shared processor pools. Additionally, you will learn skills to implement, measure, analyze, and tune PowerVM virtualization features for optimal performance on IBM Power Systems servers. This course focuses on the features that relate to the performance of IBM POWER processor-based systems, AIX, and the special monitoring, configuring, and tuning needs of logical partitions (LPARs). This course does not cover application monitoring and tuning. Welcome Unit 1: PowerVM features review Exercise 1: Introduction to the lab environment Unit 2: Shared processors and virtual processor tuning Exercise 2: Shared processors and virtual processor tuning Unit 3: Multiple shared processor pools and donating dedicated processors Exercise 3: Multiple shared processor pools and donating dedicated processors Unit 4: Active Memory Sharing Exercise 4: Active Memory Sharing Exercise 4: Active Memory Sharing (continued) Unit 5: Suspend and Resume Exercise 5: Suspend and Resume Unit 6: Active Memory Expansion Exercise 6: Active Memory Expansion Unit 7: Virtual storage performance Exercise 7: Virtual storage performance Unit 8: Virtual network performance Exercise 8: Virtual network performance Unit 9: Virtualization monitoring and performance management tools Exercise 9: Using the Virtual I/O Server Performance Analysis Reporting Tool Wrap up/Evaluations

Power Systems for AIX - Virtualization II: Advanced PowerVM and Performance

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