Perl programming language (EN)

Základní info


In the course, you will learn the basics of programming in the PERL language. You will discover the possibilities that the PERL language offers, especially for system scripting as a replacement for traditional tools like shell, sed, and awk.

Participants will learn to program in the PERL language and will try creating useful scripts through practical examples.




  • Basic information - installation, development environment, documentation
  • Variables and assignments, context, data types
  • Numbers, strings, fields, associative fields (hash)
  • Operators and expressions, logical expressions
  • References
  • Special variables
  • Conditional execution of orders
  • Repeated execution of commands
  • Work with filesystem, files, directories
  • Collaboration with processes
  • Command line
  • Anonymous array and hash constructors
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Hash fields
  • Pack and unpack functions
  • Subroutines - passing parameters, context of function calls
  • Function eval, system
  • Regular expressions - RE language
  • Creation of modules
  • CPAN, installation and use of modules
  • Debug programs
  • PERL debugger 

Study Materials

Materials are in electronic form.


Perl advanced programming techniques

Perl programming language (EN)

Vybraný termín:

3.12.2024 –  5.12.2024  ONLINE

15 500 Kč + 21% DPH

Termíny kurzu

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