Performance Testing

Základní info

Course Description

Performance testing course is intended for those experienced test professionals who would like to take a step forward towards more technical testing roles. It is also useful for other IT professionals who would like to understand the concept and principles of performance testing including test managers, project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants. Course is enhanced with practical examples, addressing typical problems of the performance testing assignments.


Duration: 2 days

Location: Bratislava

Language: Czech/English

Training Materials: English


Training Facilitator

Petr Neugebauer


Price: 729 € (without VAT)


Price includes

  • Training materials
  • Refreshment during the course
  • Lunch
  • Certificate of attendance


Please note

Please note, the training will take place in case of min. 5 attendees. 

Performance Testing

Vybraný termín:

 Bratislava Upřesnující informace k termínu

729 Euro

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