Linux administration for unix admins (EN)

Kurzem Vás provede Jiří Snopek

IT lektor a konzultant, RHCA. Vede tým zaměřený na vývoj i provoz webových a mobilních aplikací.

Základní info


You will gain detailed insight and the ability to manage Linux systems, and you will be able to move smoothly from Unix administration to Linux administration.

  • Using the command line
  • Structure of Linux filesystems
  • Managing users and groups
  • Setting permissions on files
  • Managing SELinux
  • Managing a software
  • Working with file systems
  • Controlling the boot system
  • Setting up a network
  • Working with logs
  • Planning the timed execution of tasks
  • Using NFS
  • Securing the system at the network level
  • Tunning a system performance


For Unix administrators who would like to learn how to work effectively with Linux.


Basic administration on Unix operating systems.

Study Materials

Materials are in electronic form.


Linux administration by ansible, Introduction to containers

Linux administration for unix admins (EN)

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33 900 Kč + 21% DPH

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