Grafana (EN)

Kurzem Vás provede Jiří Snopek

IT lektor a konzultant, RHCA. Vede tým zaměřený na vývoj i provoz webových a mobilních aplikací.

Základní info


In this course, you will be learning to create beautiful Grafana dashboards by connecting to different data sources. This course is created keeping working professionals in mind. So it gets you started without wasting a single minute of your time. 
This course covers most of the topics of Grafana and is the only course you need to go through to learn everything about Grafana.

Grafana is one of the world's leading open-source visualization and analytics software. It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored. In short, it provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into beautiful graphs and visualizations. After creating a dashboard, there are many possible things you might do next such as creating Alerts, Creating a Playlist, etc.


In this course, you will be learning to create beautiful Grafana dashboards by connecting to different data sources.


Introduction to system monitoring and Grafana
  • Concepts of telemetry
  • Push- and pull-based telemetry
  • Sampling, data retention and downsampling
  • Grafana and datasources
Details of Grafana
  • Grafana installation
  • Accessing Grafana
  • Creating first dashboard
  • Dashboards, rows and panels
  • Timerange selector
  • Relative time and Time shift
Deep dive into Grafana panels
  • Graph
  • Singlestat
  • Gauge
  • Bargauge
  • Heatmap
  • Textpanel
  • Tablepanel
  • Dashboard list
  • Plugin panels
  • Manipulating panels
Annotations and alerting
  • Annotations
  • Alerts
  • Alert list panel
  • E-mail and other ways of alert notifications
Explore and variables
  • Explore functionality
  • Templating with variables
  • Dynamic panels based on variables


  • No prior experience of any visualization tool is required, you will learn everything you need to know.
  • Basic knowledge of Linux is good to have.

Study Materials

Materials in electronic form.

Grafana (EN)

Vybraný termín:


945 Euro + 21% DPH

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