Cloud-native integration with Red Hat Fuse (AD221)

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Course description

Red Hat Fuse, based on the Apache Camel project, is a lightweight, flexible integration platform that enables rapid integration of cloud-native applications, both on-premise and in the cloud.

Camel development is organized around:

  • Routes that define a sequence or flow of processing.
  • Processors that transform, interpret, and modify messages within a Camel route.
  • Components that enable the creation of endpoints that interact with the outside world for acquiring and transmitting data.

Cloud-native Integration with Red Hat Fuse (AD221) emphasizes learning architectural patterns and implementing integration services based on Apache Camel and OpenShift. Camel and Red Hat Fuse enable developers to create complex integrations in a simple and maintainable format. You will learn how to use the most common integration components in Camel and develop, test, and deploy integration focused applications on OpenShift.

Více o kurzu

Cloud-native integration with Red Hat Fuse (AD221)

Vybraný termín:


1 905 Euro + 21% DPH

Termíny kurzu

Tento termín

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