Kurzem Vás provede Ing. Dagmar Matějková

Pomáhám společnostem zvýšit jejich hodnotu, prostřednictvím zaměstnanců. Toto přináší vyšší efektivitu, zlepšení kvality služeb nebo výrobků. Pokud…

Základní info

An innovative Development Program. For the first time in Prague!

1st - 3rd April 2020, could be organized as a company course or open course 

Facilitated in English by Oliver Perkins (Brainovate) and Dagmar Matejkova (Matricaria Chamomilla s.r.o.).

Legacy Leadership is an unique development programme for Leaders who: 

- believe in that results are not coming without great people

- who believe work should be fun and enjoyable 

- want to inspire others and seek inspiration for themselves 

- are ready to change their attitude and self-limiting beliefs 

- want a proven and practical leadership system that sets a clear direction 


Why to participate? 

Because Legacy Leadership is a complete programme – a philosophy, a process and a model. It is not a leadership style – it is a life system and a way of “being” not just “doing”. It puts people, not just results, at the centre of everything.  


Legacy Leadership programme is based on 5 Best Practices: 

1. Holder of Vision and Values

2. Creator of Collaboration and Innovation 

3. Influencer of Inspiration and Leadership 

4. Advocate of Differences and Community 

5. Calibrator of Responsibility and Accountability

More information about the LL Program here: Legacy Leadership details

Price per participant: Early Birds (till end of Jan 2020) 1.100 Euro, after that our regular price 1.600 Euro

We are looking forward meeting you soon, 

Oliver Perkins & Dagmar Matejkova 


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