Hyperledger Fabric v2.X Bootcamp

Kurz na míru

Základní info

Basic Information

If you are looking for a Hyperledger course designed for Architects and System Administrators and want to gain a deeper understanding on how Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Networks are Architected and operated throughout, then this is the class for you. You will learn about the integral base files in which Fabric are built upon.  You will learn about how identity, and permissions are administered throughout Membership Only networks. Additionally, you will gather the experience necessary to enter into and manage nodes/peer needs (i.e. chaincode installation, securing communication, etc).

Who should take this course

  • System Administrators or anyone who wants to know how to run day-to-day network operations on a stood up Hyperledger Fabric 2.x network

With class you will receive

  • Expert Instructor through duration of the course
  • Comprehensive Lab Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • One year of unlimited access to course content
  • Ability to stop, pause rewind and move through all chapters
  • Sample quiz questions in Course Content

Hyperledger Fabric v2.X Bootcamp

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