Blockchain Overview: Business Foundations

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Basic Information

This 1-day course will teach you the key concepts behind blockchain technology as well as the implications they can have on various industries and types of businesses. Price includes CBBF certification exam voucher.


Who should take this course

This course is designed for non-technical business executives who are tasked with making business decisions about leveraging Blockchain technology in their businesses.

This course is NOT appropriate for technology professionals seeking to gain deeper understanding of Blockchain technology implementation or programming level depth. Since this is an overview course, this does not contain hands-on labs or programming exercises.

What will you learn

  • What is Blockchain? (What exactly is it?)
  • Non-Technical Technology Overview (How does it work?)
  • Benefits of Blockchain (Why should anyone consider this?)
  • Use Cases (Where and for what apps is it appropriate?)
  • Adoption (Who is using it and for what?)
  • Implementation (How do I get started?)
  • Future of Blockchain (What is its future?)

Blockchain Overview: Business Foundations

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