Blockchain Bootcamp for IoT

Kurz na míru

Základní info

Basic Information

In this one day Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain training you will learn more about two of the most exciting paradigms in emerging technology. This one day training will cover not only an overveiw of IoT and Blockchain, but how Blockchain holds the potential to securely unlock business and operational value of IoT to support common tasks, such as sensing, processing, storing information, and communicating.


Target audience

This one-day training will cover not only an overview of IoT and Blockchain, but how Blockchain holds the potential to securely unlock business and operational value of IoT to support common tasks, such as sensing, processing, storing information, and communicating.

With class you will receive

  • Expert Instructor through class
  • Certificate of Completion
  • One Year of unlimited access to course content
  • Ability to stop, pause rewind and move through all chapters
  • Class Slides

Blockchain Bootcamp for IoT

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