Presentation in an online environment (EN)

Ondřej Staněk

Kurzem Vás provede Ondřej Staněk

Konzultant a lektor prezentačních dovedností, prezentačního designu a komunikace.

Základní info


Presenting in an online environment in many respects similar to a public appearance, there are certain specifics of this discipline that must be mastered if we want to be successful in presenting at a distance.

Whether you use MS Teams, Zoom or another tool, we will teach you to work with the attention of your listeners, the correct use of body language and working with the voice in a virtual environment. We will talk about the correct setting of the presentation space and imagine interesting programs for remote cooperation.


The course can be adapted to your requirements and specific target group.


  • Work with the attention of students
  • Proper use of body language and work with voice
  • Presentation environment settings
  • Techniques of coping with fear
  • Remote collaboration programs

Study Materials

Lecturer's presentation in electronic form.

Presentation in an online environment (EN)

Vybraný termín:


2 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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