How to deal with stress (EN)

Eva Marková

Kurzem Vás provede Eva Marková

Zaměřuje se na osobnostní růst, práci s emocemi, komunikační, prezentační, manažerské dovednosti.

Základní info


Today's times place great demands on a person and stress is thus present almost every day. We experience it all, for different reasons, to different degrees, at every time, at every age. We experience it whenever we have to face a change, challenge, threat or danger face to face. In this course, we will focus on how to deal with stress at work and at home and how to prevent it.


The course can be adapted to your requirements and specific target group.


  • What is stress, how does it arise and what causes us?
  • How to prevent stress or at least alleviate it?
  • What to do in acute stress, how to help?
  • How to reduce the negative consequences of stress in the long run?
  • How does stress levels affect personality type and lifestyle?
  • Why is psychohygiene so important?

Study Materials

Lecturer's presentation in electronic form.

How to deal with stress (EN)

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1 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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