Efficient home office (EN)

Eva Marková

Kurzem Vás provede Eva Marková

Zaměřuje se na osobnostní růst, práci s emocemi, komunikační, prezentační, manažerské dovednosti.

Základní info


Due to the current coronavirus state, many people have to face a situation unknown to them, and that is working from home, the so-called HOME OFFICE. Theoretically it may sound great, in fact it brings a lot of pitfalls. How do you get yourself to work at home or not take too long? In this course, we will show gadgets and tips on how to make working from home not only affordable, but also more efficient and enjoyable.


To all who want to work effectively in the form of a Home office.
The course can be adapted to your requirements and specific target group.


  • How to be the master of your time, or "we have what we always wanted"
  • How to set the rules of functioning in the family
  • How to choose a suitable place to work
  • How to plan work in terms of time and volume
  • How to concentrate and maintain self-discipline
  • How to be "just at home" or "just at work" - the basics of psychohygiene

Study Materials

Lecturer's presentation in electronic form.

Efficient home office (EN)

Vybraný termín:


1 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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