Creative workshop: Me! Brand in the team! (EN)

Lenka Benetková

Kurzem Vás provede Lenka Benetková

Lektorka osobnostně profesního rozvoje. Specializuje se na krizový management v rámci obchodních oddělení a rozvoj obchodních dovedností.

Základní info


Discovering personal brands as unique within the business team. Guided workshop in the form of coaching.  

You will get individual practical steps to build a personal brand of the trader and procedures for its subsequent development. The output is the identification of the trader's personal brand, the setting of a complete strategy and instructive steps for use in real trading practice.


  • Identifying the merchant's personal brand
  • Setting up a complete strategy
  • Obtaining instructive steps for use in practice in trading 


To all who want to get practical steps to build a personal brand. 


  • Definition of yourself
  • Personal brand strategy
  • Personal brand communication
  • Personal brand communication vs. the company I work for
  • Communication channels
  • Content of communication
  • Effective use of personal branding
  • How to further develop and take care of your personal brand 

Study Materials

Lecturer's presentation in electronic form.

Creative workshop: Me! Brand in the team! (EN)

Vybraný termín:


4 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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